Angular Developer RoadMap 2022


Mahipal Nehra


Publish Date

Publish Date

30 Aug 2021

Angular Developer Roadmap 2022. What is Angular? Roadmap To Become Angular Developer in 2022. Must Needed Skills for Angular Developers.

Angular Developer RoadMap 2022

The 2022 RoadMap for Angular Developer. Ever heard about Angular in web development? Do you know what it is and how can you build skills to become an Angular developer? Then, you are at the right place. Today, you will learn the basics of Angular and the roadmap to follow for upgrading your knowledge and skills in the field of web app development using Angular.

Before moving further, let’s start with the basics.

What is Angular?

Angular is a free, open-source framework that is based on TypeScript and used for web application development. Angular is a development platform and includes a component-based framework, a collection of well-integrated libraries, and a suite of tools for developers for the development of scalable web applications.

Roadmap To Become Angular Developer in 2022

How to Become Angular Developer in 2022. Now that you have a basic understanding of Angular, you might want to know the roadmap we were talking about previously. However, keep in mind that this roadmap is only here to guide you with a few recommendations along with some good-to-know tools and technologies for better skill development and career growth.

Angular Developer Roadmap 2022


Must Needed Skills for Angular Developers

If you have reached this point, you might have acknowledged and saved the provided roadmap to becoming an Angular developer. So, now it’s time to explain the path you can follow to learn Angular Web App Development.

1. Basics

If you really wanna become an angular developer, then learning the basics of programming languages, i.e., HTML, CSS and JavaScript, is quite essential.

2. General Skills For Development

After learning the basics, it’s time to learn general skills for web application development, including:

3. Angular

Once you have gained an understanding of the general and basics skill set, another thing that comes you need to learn is nonetheless Angular programming. Angular is a platform and framework used for developing single-page applications using HTML and TypeScript. Without learning Angular, you can’t become an angular developer. Moreover, Angular helps in projecting models into the application layer, managing synchronization DOM and makes application development efficient.

4. Build Tools

Build tools are programs that automate the development of war files which are executable applications from source code. Some of the tools that you need to learn are:

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Build Tools

Package Managers

Task Runners

5. Styling

Styling allows a developer to work on your app design along with user interface structure and behaviour. Simply put, styling defines the appearance of a web page. The three basics for styling a web application are CSS Framework, CSS Preprocessor, and Design Systems. A few topics you need to cover in styling are:

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  • CSS Frameworks

  1. Bootstrap

  2. Zurb

  3. Semantic UI

  4. Bulma

  5. Tailwind CSS

  • CSS PreProcessor

  1. Sass/SCSS

  2. Post CSS

  3. Less

  • Design Systems

  1. Clarity Design System

  2. Angular Material

6. Coding Style

Coding style or programming style is the set of rules or guidelines used to write the source code of the web application. For coding style you need to learn:

7. Fundamental Third Parties

To become a better angular developer, other important third-party fundamentals you should understand are:

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8. Architecture

Architecture refers to the structures of a web application system and the principles of creating such systems. Each structure includes elements of the application, the relation among them and their properties. To learn the architecture of angular web applications development, learn the following:

  • Schematics

  • Building Libraries

  • Angular Elements

9. State Management

As the application expands so does its complexity of management. However, with state management tools, it becomes easier to manage the state of the complex and large application. Some of the state management tools that can be used in Angular application development include:

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  1. @ngrx/entity

  2. @ngrx-data

  3. @ngrx/effects

10. Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps or PWA is an app developed using web technologies that make them behave like native app. It works great even with an unreliable network connection and PWAs do not require installation. You can develop progressive web apps with angular using the following tools:

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11. Utility Libraries

A utility library is a collection of functions used for implementing common tasks. A few utility libraries you will come across while using Angular for web applications development are:

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12. Testing

Testing helps to detect the errors in the source code and determine that the app is working as expected. You can do application testing through the following methods:

  • Unit Testing

  1. Jasmine

  2. ESLint

  3. Karma

  4. Jest

  • E2E Testing

  1. Protractor

  2. Cypress

13. Non-Browser Environment

You can create applications using Angular for a non-browser environment as well. Here is a list of tools that you can use for different non-browser environments.

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Server-Side Rendering

  • Angular Universal


In this blog, we have shown you the collection of tools and technologies that you need to follow and make the first step in the Angular developer’s journey. Apart from the roadmap, try and stay updated with the latest technologies used for web development. Learning technology in trend will help in staying ahead of other developers and ensure the growth you need in your career as a developer.

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