How to Write Email Newsletters That People Actually Want to Read?


Mahipal Nehra


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11 Jan 2022

How to Write Email Newsletters That People Actually Want to Read? How to Write a Newsletter? Things you should definitely do before writing a newsletter.

How to Write Email Newsletters That People Actually Want to Read?

Email marketing is an effective online marketing tool if used correctly. Email marketing can be an effective marketing tool if used correctly. It boosts sales, attracts new subscribers, and increases the loyalty of old customers. A mailing is defined as several letters that tell about the company, its news, promotions, and interesting events. Such letters turn a reader into a customer. People who are not familiar with Internet marketing believe that mass mailings are easy - just buy an address database and send letters to the recipients. However, such a scheme has several pitfalls: letters will be marked by the postal service as spam, buy addresses may be invalid, and your proposals - are not interesting to recipients because the target audience is not selected correctly. Such a mailing will not get results, but time and money will be wasted.

What Email Marketing is Good For?

Email marketing is a good direct sales tool. If a person wants to buy a service or product but is not planning to do it any time soon, he might become a subscriber. Well-written letters will build trust and loyalty to the company - so the subscriber will decide more quickly to make a purchase and turn into a customer. Communicate with your customers. Letting your subscribers evaluate your online shop and write a review will help you communicate with them. The letters you send to your subscribers show your attention to your customers. It may be congratulations on holidays, birthdays, more detailed description of the products he/she viewed but didn't buy.

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Subscribers who have made at least one purchase and signed up for your newsletter can be discreetly encouraged to contact your shop again. Properly worded emails - in the form of tips, reminders with sales offers, and promo stories - can help move customers into the category of repeat customers.

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How to Write Email Newsletters

How to Write a Good Newsletter?

A newsletter is an email that offers readers and fans who have subscribed a list of your most interesting content, ads, and promotions. It can be useful for keeping your audience informed and also for increasing your attendance. Want to improve your new e-newsletter project or update an old one? Here are 10 things you should definitely do before writing a newsletter.

Review the best email newsletters examples

Where do you start? Before you start creating an email newsletter, review a few examples in your industry.

  • Evaluate whether or not you need an email newsletter

To understand what you need to do, first, do a little research. Are there successful email newsletters in your industry that people would like to subscribe to? What's in them? With the resources you have - budget, time, and internal support - could you be successful?

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Then reconsider your business goals. Are they trying to increase leads? Better qualify potential customers to talk to salespeople? Closing more deals? Retaining more customers? If your industry isn't really interested in email newsletters, or if your goals aren't aligned with what a newsletter can do, your time could be better spent creating something else, like an email workflow to support leads or content for your blog.

  • Find out what type of newsletter you want to send

Email - whether it's a newsletter or not - needs one common thread that brings it together. So instead of talking about your company as a whole, perhaps it's dedicated to one vertical. You can also use drip campaign to send the customers emails over a period of time.

  • Balance your newsletter content to be 90% educational and 10% promotional

In your email newsletters, get rid of self-promotion (most of the time) and focus on sending your subscribers educational, relevant and timely information. Unless you have really exciting, important news about your product, service, or company, don't include promotional pieces.

  • Set expectations on your Subscribe page

Once you've decided on the focus of your newsletter and the balance of your content, make sure you're communicating them correctly on your landing page for subscriptions. Be specific. Let potential subscribers know exactly what will be in the newsletter and how often they should expect to hear from you.

  • Get creative with email subject lines

Even if your subscribers subscribe to your emails, there is no guarantee that they will open your emails once they receive them in their inbox. Many marketers try to get to know their subscribers better by saving the subject line every day, week, or month that they send it.

  • Pick one primary call to action

Part of what makes a newsletter a newsletter is that you show multiple pieces of content with multiple calls to action (CTAs). But that doesn't mean you should let these calls to action have equal prominence. Instead, let there be one main call to action - just one main thing you'd like your subscribers to do. The other CTAs should be 'in case you have time' options. Whether it's just clicking to view a blog post or just forwarding an email to a friend, make it really easy for your subscribers to know what you want them to do.

  • Keep design and copy minimal

A newsletter can easily seem cluttered because of its nature. The trick for email marketers to look concise is two things: concise text and enough blank space in the design.

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The short text is key because you don't really want your subscribers hanging around and reading your email all day. You want to send them elsewhere (like your website or blog) to actually consume all the content. The short text gives your subscribers a taste of your content - just enough to make them want to click and learn more. Blank space plays a key role in email newsletters because it helps to visually alleviate the feeling of clutter, and on mobile devices, it's much easier for people to click on the right link. This is email newsletter best practices.

How to Write Email Newsletters

  • Make sure images have alt text

Given that visual content is incredibly important to the rest of your marketing efforts, it would make sense that you would want to include it in your emails. That's right. But emails are a little more complicated than that. In most cases, images won't be included, so you need to make sure there's one important component to the images: alternate text. Alternate text is the alternate text that appears when images are not loaded into the email. This is especially important if your calls to action are images - you want people to click on them even without an image included.

  • Make it easy for people to unsubscribe

This seems counterintuitive, but it's important if you want to keep an active, engaged subscriber list. Don't use strange expressions like "Change your communication with us". Don't hide the unsubscribe button behind an image with no replacement text. As well as keeping your list healthy, having a clear unsubscribe process in place will help ensure that your email is not marked as SPAM before it reaches the rest of your list inbox.

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Take a look at the charity's newsletter: water below to find out how to do it right. The unsubscribe link is in bold and capital letters, which makes it easy to follow (if you want to).


Make the emails interesting so that subscribers tell colleagues or friends about them. Use bonuses, discounts, and special offers for subscribers, but do it in moderation. Develop a newsletter page or landing page - tell them how subscribers will benefit from your newsletter and make them want to read your emails. Before you start your mailing, decide what you want them to do. Sell a product, entice a subscriber to an event or build loyalty. There will be a different type of letter for each objective: promotional letters for sales, content letters for loyalty. The subject line and preheader should be short, informative, and interesting. And interesting to the reader is when it is either profitable or curious. That is, offer discounts, promotions, and unique products or come up with original ideas.

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