What Is the Difference Between Front-End and Back-End Development?


Mahipal Nehra


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Publish Date

13 Sep 2023

What Is the Difference Between Front-End and Back-End Development? What Is Front End and Backend Framework? Front-End Vs Back-End Development

What Is the Difference Between Front-End and Back-End Development?

As a web developer, you must know that website development is all about teamwork. This happens between two types of developers: front-end and back-end. Front-end developers are like the designers of a website. They make everything look nice and create buttons and forms you can click. Back-end developers are behind-the-scenes heroes. It is important to note that a front-end framework makes front-end development easier.

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In backend development, we ensure the working of different website components. Let’s take an example. When you fill out a form or log in, they're the ones who handle that info and show you the results.

Front-End Vs Back-End Development

In this blog, we will explore what makes front-end development and back-end development different and important. So, Join us to discover how these developers team up to make the websites and apps we enjoy every day!

What Is Frontend Development?

Frontend development is like making a website or app look and work nice for people. Think of it as setting up a cool room where friends hang out. When you use Instagram, Snapchat, or play games, what you see on the screen is the work of frontend developers.

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They use special codes. HTML is like the skeleton that gives structure, and CSS is the artist that adds colors and shapes. Finally, JavaScript is the wizard that makes things move and do tricks. For example, when you click a button to like a post, that's JavaScript.

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Imagine you're designing a comic book page. Frontend developers decide how big the panels are (HTML), choose the colors and patterns for the characters' outfits (CSS), and make the characters talk and move (JavaScript).

What Is Front End Framework?

A front-end framework is like a toolkit for building websites or web applications. Imagine you're making a cool LEGO creation – the bricks you use are like the framework's tools. It helps you create a website's visual and interactive parts that people see and use directly.

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Some popular front-end frameworks are Sencha Ext JS, React, Vue JS, and Angular JS. Let’s explore one of them to see what you can expect from these frameworks.

Sencha Ext JS

Please use words that are easily understandable for high school students.

The target audience is developers and programmers.

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Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework. It comes with a set of libraries for constructing data-intensive, cross-platform web and mobile applications for modern devices. It also features a range of supporting tools. The Ext JS framework encompasses over 140 pre-integrated and rigorously tested high-performance UI components.

  • The additional supporting tools include:

  • Sencha Cmd

  • Sencha Architect

  • Sencha Stencils

  • Sencha Themer

  • Sencha Test

  • Sencha Inspector

  • Sencha Fiddle.

Ext JS can help you create applications through user-friendly drag-and-drop features. Hence reducing the need for manual coding. Moreover, you can design customized application themes using graphical tools—eliminating the necessity of writing code. The provided Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and Code Editor Plugins seamlessly incorporate Sencha frameworks into your enterprise workflow. This integration enables functions like code completion, inspection, generation, navigation, refactoring, and more, streamlining the development process.

 Front-End and Back-End Development

Elevate Your Web Development with Sencha's Excellence

What Is Back-end Development?

The backend, often called the "server side," is like the hidden part of a website. It's responsible for neatly storing data and ensuring that everything works. It communicates with the front end and shares information so that you can view web pages.

Read: Backend Developer Roadmap

When you fill out a contact form or type in a web address – your browser asks the backend for information. Then, the backend sends back instructions in the form of frontend code. Your browser understands this code and displays the webpage.

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You need additional backend components to make a website dynamic and allow it to change based on what's in its "brain" (database). This transforms your site into a dynamic web application that can adjust based on your interactions. This is different from a static website that remains the same, as it doesn't require a "brain" (database).

What Are The Differences Between Front End Development And Backend Development?

The front end is like the interactive part of a website or app. It's what you can see and use, like buttons and menus. Imagine it as the buttons and screens you tap on your phone. On the other hand, the backend cannot be seen by users. It gathers information you input, does calculations, and makes things work. It's like the brain behind the scenes.

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Front-end developers create the look of the buttons and screens, making them pretty and easy to use. Back-end developers make sure everything works, like making a game level playable.

Front-end folks should also know about the backend, so it's not just about looks. Back-end work is more about smart thinking and making things run well, like doing the math behind a game.

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Front-end and back-end people must team up, just like teamwork in sports. They use special ways to talk to each other and share data. It's like having a secret language that helps the whole thing come together.

Finally, Frontend development uses frameworks like Sencha Ext JS, React, and Angular. On the other hand, backend development uses frameworks like Django, Flask, and Ruby on Rails.


In simple terms, front-end and back-end development have distinct roles. Front-end work is akin to designing a website's face, making it look appealing and user-friendly. 

Back-end work remains hidden and manages behind-the-scenes tasks—such as organizing information and ensuring smooth operation.

Imagine constructing a cool car. Front-end work is like crafting the car's sleek exterior, while back-end work resembles the engine and gears that make the car function.

Both components are essential for a great ride. Like a team, front-end and back-end developers collaborate to create impressive websites that combine style and functionality."

FAQs: Front-End Vs Back-End Development

What Are Front-end Frameworks?

Front-end frameworks are toolkits that help create attractive and interactive websites. They work by providing pre-made design elements and functionalities.

What Are The Examples Of Frontend Frameworks?

Examples of frontend frameworks include Ext JS, React, Vue.js, Angular, and Foundation. They help build interactive and stylish websites.

Is HTML A Front-end Framework?

No, HTML is not a front-end framework. It's a markup language used to structure content on web pages.

Is React A Front-end Framework?

Yes. It is one of the most popular front-end frameworks.

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