Does Your Network Infrastructure Need An Upgrade?


Mahipal Nehra


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Publish Date

14 Apr 2023

This guide discusses the factors and considerations organizations must evaluate when contemplating network infrastructure upgrades.

Does Your Network Infrastructure Need An Upgrade?

With the constant growth in data consumption and increasing reliance on high-speed connectivity, businesses must adapt their network infrastructure to stay competitive and meet ever-changing demands.

Network infrastructure upgrades are necessary to reduce costs associated with technical support while providing faster connection speeds, increased security measures against the rapid increase of cyberattacks, and improved scalability.

Nevertheless, determining when to upgrade the network infrastructure can be complicated as many factors must be considered.

Upgrading Network Infrastructure: A Detailed Guide

Fortunately, this guide discusses the factors and considerations organizations must evaluate when contemplating network infrastructure upgrades.

Assessing The Current Infrastructure

You need to evaluate your network capacity carefully and ensure everything is secure. Here's an in-depth look at how to properly assess both:

  • Assessing Network Capacity

When assessing the current infrastructure, evaluating the network's capacity is essential. It includes determining the amount of data that can be transmitted across the web and the transmission speed. It also involves examining how quickly additional resources can be added to meet changing demands.

When planning for network upgrades or expansion, evaluating whether the current hardware is compatible with advanced technologies, such as 5G networks and software-defined networking (SDN), is crucial. To guarantee adequate bandwidth for current and future requirements, it is also advisable to utilize capacity planning tools.

  • Assessing Network Security

It is also vital to consider the network's security. Network security involves evaluating authentication and authorization processes to ensure only authorized users can access the network and its resources.

Additionally, it is essential to monitor the network for any suspicious activity, use data encryption to protect stored information from unauthorized access and ensure all software installed on the network is up-to-date and secure.

By taking these steps, organizations can ensure their networks remain safe and secure against malicious attacks or intrusions.

Planning For The Upgrade

Selecting the most suitable technology is an essential step in the upgrade procedure, as it could have a massive effect on the performance of the network infrastructure. It must meet the organization's current needs and future goals. Scalability, reliability, security, and compatibility with existing systems should be considered when selecting the best technology for a successful upgrade.

Once the best technology for a successful upgrade has been chosen, organizations must calculate the network infrastructure upgrade cost. It involves considering factors such as the number of devices, type of devices, type of network, and any other special requirements.

Assessing the organization's budget is also essential to ensure it can afford all additional costs associated with implementation, maintenance, and support.

By considering these factors during the selection process, organizations can determine if upgrading their network infrastructure is necessary to serve their users better.

Implementing The Upgrade

The implementation should be straightforward as long as you've adequately planned your upgrade. If you lack time to plan and execute the upgrade yourself, you can hire Tenecom or similar reputable companies to efficiently and professionally oversee the process for your company.

Here are some additional guidelines for implementing your network upgrade:

  • Backing Up Data

Before upgrading a network infrastructure, it is essential to back up the data. This can be done by backing up the entire system to an external storage device or cloud-based backup service.

Furthermore, it is essential to back up settings, along with any databases or applications, from the network management software or manually copy them to ensure data safety. Similarly, user data such as documents, photos, and videos should be copied to an external storage device.

By taking these precautions before beginning the upgrade process, users can still access their data in the event of unexpected complications during the upgrade.

  • Upgrading Network Components

Once the data has been backed up, the next step is updating or replacing parts of a network infrastructure to improve its performance, security, or reliability.

This may involve upgrading hardware components like routers, switches, or servers, as well as updating software components, such as firmware, operating systems, or network management tools.

This process is essential to ensure that the network remains up to date with the latest technologies and can effectively support the growing needs of an organization.

  • Testing Network Performance

Once the network components have been installed and configured, it is essential to evaluate their performance.

This involves running various tests, such as measuring latency, throughput, and bandwidth or identifying potential network bottlenecks. It is also beneficial to check network traffic to get an accurate assessment of the performance of the new components.

By successfully executing the upgrade, organizations can enjoy improved performance, security, and reliability of their network, ultimately fostering optimal user performance and reliability.

Maintaining The Network

Network monitoring and security are essential components of maintaining a network, as they help ensure optimal performance and protection of the organization's infrastructure.

Network monitoring entails evaluating network performance, traffic, and utilization and offering insights into possible anomalies. Network monitoring tools can detect and troubleshoot problems before they become critical and help improve the overall performance of the network.

In network monitoring, it's essential to:

  • Keep track of traffic patterns and usage trends

  • Monitor suspicious activity

  • Review system logs regularly

  • Ensure that hardware and software are up to date

  • Schedule regular maintenance checks with a qualified IT professional

In addition to network monitoring, it is also essential to maintain the network's security. It safeguards a network from malevolent activities and unauthorized access, including denial of service attacks, malicious code, and data breaches.

It can be done through the implementation of various strategies such as:

  • Installing and maintaining up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software

  • Using strong passwords

  • Regularly changing passwords

  • Using two-factor authentication

  • Implementing firewalls and access controls

  • Backing up data and scheduling regular maintenance checks with an IT professional

  • Monitoring user access

  • Educating users about security risks

By consistently following these practices, networks can be kept secure from potential threats or breaches.


Network infrastructure upgrades can be essential for businesses to keep up with the ever-evolving digital landscape. It is crucial to assess the current network, plan and implement the upgrade, and maintain it afterward.

While this process may seem challenging, a successful outcome will ensure that the business remains competitive in its industry and continues to meet customer needs. Therefore, taking steps towards upgrading network infrastructure should not be overlooked; instead, it should be seen as an opportunity for growth and progress.

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