Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks for 2022


Mahipal Nehra


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Publish Date

01 Dec 2021

Top 10 JavaScript frameworks for 2022. React.js, jQuery, Express, Angular, Vue.js, Angular.js, Svelte, Next.js, Ember.js, Meteor. JavaScript frameworks in 2022.

Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks for 2022

Top 10 Best JavaScript Frameworks for 2022. JavaScript supports functional, event-driven and imperative programming styles, hence, it is a multi-paradigm language. JavaScript is a just-in-time compiled, high-level language that follows ECMA-script specification. JavaScript is the core of the world wide web. And according to the stats over 97.7% of websites have been using it for front end development.

JavaScript is not limited to client-side development anymore, it is also being used for back end development. JavaScript gives a developer a plethora of templates with modules and features that make the development of JavaScript applications easier. Whether it is developing dynamic websites or web applications, JavaScript is all around. And being a developer, you may also know the impact of JavaScript and its framework.

But with a multitude of JavaScript frameworks out there, it might become confusing to decide the ideal one for your website or web application. That’s why, in this blog, we will help you with the top 10 frameworks of JavaScript that you can choose from.

What is a JavaScript Framework?

JavaScript frameworks are a platform that gives a foundation to developers for software application development. Think of it as a template that can be selectively altered by adding codes. JavaScript frameworks use shared resources such as images, libraries and other reference documents and combine them as a package.

JavaScript frameworks make working with JavaScript smoother and easier. Not only that but using JavaScript frameworks, a programmer can easily design an application to be responsive on different devices. Responsiveness is another perk why JavaScript frameworks are popular among developers.

10 JavaScript Frameworks in 2022

Here is the list of Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks for 2022. Now that we know what the JavaScript framework is, it is time to see the trending JavaScript frameworks being used for web application development. React.js is leading the chart with 41.4% followed by jQuery with 34.52%, Angular with 26.23% and Express with 23.6%.

1. React.js

2. jQuery

3. Express

4. Angular

5. Vue.js

6. Angular.js

7. Svelte

8. Next.js

9. Ember.js

10. Meteor.

So what are the advantages of each of these frameworks that they made to the top 10 JavaScript frameworks for the web app development list? Let’s get into it!

1. React.js

Launched by Meta (formerly Facebook) in 2013, React.js is an open-source, free, front end JavaScript library. React.js is used for developing UI components of web pages having high traffic volume. React is declarative, hence, makes interactive UI development painless. You can design simple views for every state of the application and ReactJS will update and render the right components when data changes. React is component-based, i.e, you can create encapsulated components that have their state, then compose them to build complex UIs.

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Some of the features of React.js apart from being component-based and declarative that makes it so popular among developers are Virtual DOM, event handling, JSX, performance, and React Native.

2. jQuery

jQuery is yet another JavaScript library that is often confused as a framework due to its functionalities. jQuery isn’t only feature-rich but also fast and small. jQuery makes event handling, traversal, animation, manipulation and AJAX calls in an HTML document easier with an easy-to-use API that works on multiple browsers. jQuery makes it easier to work with JavaScript and is easy to learn. jQuery combines a lot of common tasks performed using JavaScript into a method that a developer can call with a single line of code.

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Some of the features of jQuery because of which it is in the top 10 list of JavaScript frameworks are HTML manipulation, DOM manipulation, CSS manipulation, HTML event methods, effects and animations, DOM element selection, AJAX and utilities.

3. Express

Express or Express.js is an unopinionated, fast, minimalist back end framework for Node.js used for web application development. It was released as free, open-source software to simplify the API and web app development. Express facilitates the development of node-based applications.

Some of the features that make Express.js most popular among developers are middleware, templating, routing, debugging, and faster server-side development.

4. Angular

Angular is one of the most efficient, open-source JavaScript frameworks. Operated by Google, Angular is used to develop Single Page Applications (SPAs). It extends HTML into the application and interprets attributes to do data binding. Being written in TypeScript, Angular implements optional and core functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries you import into your application.

Read: Top 15 Frameworks for Web App Development in 2022

Some of the features that make Angular popular are high performance, MVC architecture, Two-Way Data Binding, Less Code Framework, cross-platform, Angular CLI, Testing, Animation, Accessibility, Templates, IDEs, and code splitting.

5. Vue.js

Vue.js is an open-source, progressive, Model-View-ViewModel JavaScript framework. Although it was developed in 2016, Vue.js has already made its way into the developer’s life due to the features it contributes. By combining supporting libraries and modern tooling, Vue can be used to develop sophisticated SPAs. As the core library of Vue is centred on the view layer, it becomes easier to pick and integrate with other projects and libraries.

Some of the key features Vue.js offers include Virtual DOM, Components, Animation, Event Handling, Data Binding, Templates, and Directories.

6. Angular.js

Angular.js is an open-source, JavaScript-based, front-end framework released in 2010. AngularJS is used for developing dynamic web applications. It enables you to use HTML as a template language and extend its syntax to define components of your application clearly.

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Features that have allowed AngularJS to remain in the top JavaScript frameworks list are MVC architecture, data binding, dependency injection, templates, components, component router, HTML compiler, testing and DOM control structures.

7. Svelte

Svelte is an open-source front end framework for JavaScript. Svelte has become the developers best choice for creating fast and scalable web pages because it uses less code, is lightweight and highly responsive. Svelte performs its tasks ‘on the go’ as you develop the app. What makes Svelte unique is that it’s first a compiler than a component-based UI framework.

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Some of the features that Svelte offers are server-side rendering, file-based routing, code splitting, reactive, no virtual DOM, and less code.

8. Next.js

Next.js is an open-source, minimalistic JavaScript framework that is used for server-rendered and static React-based applications development. Next.js is a recommended toolchain for React as it helps developers to build server-side rendering websites.

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Features that make Next.js the best option for a developer are a page-based routing system, client-side routing, automated code-splitting, pre-rendering, built-in CSS and SaSS support, API routes and extendability.

9. Ember.js

Ember.js is an open-source, productive JavaScript framework that uses a component-service pattern. It entails everything needed to build rich UIs that work easily on any device. Using Ember.js and some essential tools, you can create an entire stack efficiently. Moreover, Ember.js comes with its layouts, components, and backend architecture that allows developers to build application-specific tags.

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Some of the key features that make Ember.js a magnificent choice for developers are Ember CLI, routing, Ember data, components, Ember inspector, and services.

10. Meteor

Meteor or Meteor.js is an open-source, free isomorphic (seamlessly rendered on the server and client-side) JavaScript framework. Meteor is written using Node.js and is used by developers to create cross-platform as well as web applications. Its ability for rapid prototyping and easy integration with Distributed Data Protocol and MongoDB to automatically deliver changes to data without the need for developers to write synchronized code has made it most loved by the developers.

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Some of the features of Meteor.js are the development ecosystem, full-stack solution, isomorphic JavaScript code, easy database integration and live reload.


When it comes to web application development, JavaScript is undoubtedly a dominant language. That’s the reason why developers need to choose between several frameworks available to build JavaScript-based applications. But choosing the ideal framework for your project entirely depends on the requirements you have. Apart from the features that each of the frameworks provides, you should also consider the complexity, learning curve, community support and compatibility documentation.

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